Cantiere delle Marche announces the signing of a new contract for the construction of a Nauta Air 111’, only a few days after having celebrated the sale of an Explorer Yacht Darwin Class 102′.
The new Nauta Air 111’, with almost 8 meters beam, will reach approximately 330 GRT in volume. In order to build it, Cantiere delle Marche has recruted an international team that includes the highest excellence in the industry. In fact, the prestigious Dutch firm Vripack will be in charge of the the Naval Engineering of the project, while Nauta Yachts Design of Mario Pedol and Massimo Gino will sign the entire exterior and interior design, as for all the yachts of the Nauta Air range. The yacht has been sold by Zarpo Yachts for a Latin American client.
Vasco Buonpensiere, Cantiere delle Marche partner and sales manager comments: “Since the founding of the shipyard five years ago, we have always believed in the concept of evolution as stated by Charles Darwin. With this in mind, we have created a shipyard able to continuously adapt to the needs of the world it addresses. CdM renews its offers, month after month, showing non-stop improvement. A shipyard like ours focuses on yachts which cruise intensively and extensively for months, exploring the most remote areas of the oceans. Working with our friends of Vripack was therefore a natural evolution for us, proving that the Dutch engineering world and the Italian shipbuilding culture at its best are able to establish amazing synergies. Other than that, I want to say that all meetings with Marnix Hoekstra and his team are very pleasant also on a human and relational level. Our future together will certainly extende beyond this experience”.
Ennio Cecchini – CEO of CDM – adds: “The Nauta Air range represents for us the combination of the luxury and the contemporary style of a Superyacht together with the solidity and reliability of an Explorer Yacht. Two values that are perfectly embodied by the two partners involved in the project: Nauta Yachts with which we gave birth to this new range of yachts and Vripack, whose experience in designing yachts capable of extreme navigation is unparalleled. This is further evidence of the flexibility of our Shipyard, which can form a dedicated team of extremely high level, just to satisfy any requirement of our owners. This is also evidence of how our ‘made in Italy’ projects are appreciated by international players who have made the history of yachting”.
The new Explorer Yacht, flagship of the range Nauta Air, is scheduled for delivery in 2017 with an experienced owner who has a great passion for underwater photography, scientific research and the study of marine animals. For this, the yacht will be designed and built to provide long permanence on board and an incredible autonomy from the shore.
Marnix Hoekstra, Vripack’s Director comments:”The dedication of the CdM team in building their growing fleet of explorers certainly got our attention in the recent years. We’re proud to now become part of their professional group which share the vision that this world is meant to be discovered still and that yachts are the best tool for that job. We’ll bring to the team our experience of 7000plus yachts as well as the five North West Passages our yachts made. The Nauta Air 111 will be designed with our knowledge in safety and comfort. She will feature a CFD optimised hull with bulbous bow and enhanched scantlings on the hull and rudders for sailing in ice conditions. But most of all we look forward of becoming part of the CdM Family and friends group”.