Yacht ‘Glass’ concept by Lujac Desautel

‘Glass’ is a striking and highly innovative concept designed by Lujac Desautel, one of the finalists for the ‘Young Designer of the Year‘ award at the 2014 ShowBoats Design Awards, sponsored by the Dutch yacht builder, Oceanco. This competition recognizes the best superyacht design from the boards of student and trainee designers.
Lujac Desautel on his concept:
“Historically, the field of yacht design and architecture has been dominated by two opposing extremes. On one side an avante-garde of wild ideas, often so detached from reality that they fail to become something other than eccentric curiosities. On the other side there are well-organized corporate consultants that build predictable and uninspiring boxes of high standard. Design and architecture are entrenched between two equally infertile fronts: either naively utopian or petrifyingly pragmatic. Rather than choosing one over the other, luxury yacht GLASS concept is a manifestation in the fertile overlap between the two opposites. Light and ethereal, GLASS is a response to its context and ever-changing environment, maintaining the essence of place through its architectural design, materials, surface textures, and color. The marriage of a pragmatic utopian design that blends the creation of a social, economic, and an environmentally perfect place as a practical objective.”