Solarwave 62

Solarwave-Yachts has developed a system that reduces the operation-hours of diesel-engines and thus the consumption to close to zero. It is more simple, needs less maintenance and costs less than any conventional fuel-depending propulsion and energy-supply. It grants more luxury, comfort, independence relyability and safety.
At the roof of the Solarwave yachts high efficiency solar-panels of the latest generation are recharging the light weight lithium-batteries. The special configuration of the components provides an unique energy-balance: The solar-panels produce more power, than the household and the electric motors consume. So the batteries are beeing charged while driving the yacht!
Efficiency and Weight
The underwater-lines are optimized by CFD and towing-tank tests. The impressive weight-reduction is a result of the bionic design and the use of carbon fibres and epoxy resins. The whole interior furniture is made of stiff and ultra-light honeycomb composite plates with laminated real wood-veneer. Furniture and tanks are structurally integrated into the hull. This reduces the weight significantly.
Weight is nearly equivalent to consumption. Each kilogramm less means less energy required to move the boat.
A Solarwave-Yacht has only half the weight compared to a conventionally constructed and powered yacht. Thus Solarwave-Yachts have less wave-drag and friction than other yachts. This unique efficiency makes them fast and enables self-sufficient propulsion.
They are true worldwide cruisers with a virtually unlimited range.
Autonomy and Luxury
A Solarwave-Yacht has virtually unlimited range – also when the sun is not shining. In case of longer periods of bad weather, the range-extender starts automatically when the batteries are low. The energy is stored in the batteries and can also be used in bad weather-conditions and during the night. The light-weight Lithium-Batteries provide ample energy for the propulsion as well as for all household appliances – 230 V (110 V) day and night (24/7!) for television, air-conditioning, ice-machine, watermaker, laptop and much more. No need to search for a marina to charge the batteries, to get ice, to refuel or to fill your watertanks.
The solarpanels are integrated in the roof, so there is no windload on them. The batteries and electric-motors are inside the boat in a dry and safe place. All wiring is tin-covered and all plugs are specially designed so water or humidity cannot enter. All parts exposed to the marine environment are made of corrosion-resistant materials. All components are virtually free of maintenance. So the running costs are much lower than on a comparable conventionally powered catamaran.
Redundancy and Safety
All vital components are redundant to ensure double safety. The Solarwave-System is by far safer and more reliable than any other propulsion like sails or diesel-engines.