Palumbo Group unveils future strategies on Isa Yachts and refitting activities

Following the final transition dated last August 1st of Isa Yachts into the Group – at Monaco Yacht Show 2016 Palumbo Group S.p.A – presents its new major production and service site in Ancona, that will be part of Palumbo Superyacht division.
This acquisition fits into an internal reorganization plan at Palumbo Group, which is now divided into two main divisions:
Shipping (with facilities in Messina, Naples, Malta, Tenerife, and headquarter in Monaco) and Yachting, which will deal with New Build (with both brands Columbus and ISA, and with operational headquarters in Naples and Ancona); After-Sales and Palumbo Superyacht (Naples, Marseille, Tenerife, Malta and the new site of Ancona), which represents the major center of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic for both maintenance and refitting.
The Isa Yachts site will have a twofold and strategic function. It will become a central hub for the new units in production and for after-sales of Columbus and Isa brands; but it will be an important Refit & Repair service point of Palumbo SY, expanding its presence in the Adriatic Sea.
Palumbo Group S.p.A. is convinced that this new asset will lead to a major change in the scenery in the Mediterranean in regards to the refitting and the maintenance of large yachts.
In the superyacht market, thanks to the acquisition of Isa Yachts, Palumbo Group will operate under two distinct brands and an even greater force:
-Isa Yachts will maintain its characteristics of excellence of Italian style enriched by an improved design and by a series of new and innovative projects.
-Columbus Yacht becomes an extraordinary laboratory of completely custom-made superyacht, following the principle of “no-range”, thanks to the versatility of its naval platforms.
The platforms currently available allow producing boats very different one form the other, in steel and aluminium: the award-winning Sport Hybrid (from 40 to 50 meters), Classic (from 54 to 80 meters), Explorer (from 50 to 80 meters), Custom, Liberty, Berlinetta and Oceanic Classic and Coupe’, the latter one designed specifically for the US market and also for Asia.
Columbus has currently under construction/in production a 70m Custom megayacht, whose work began to meet a production plan of the Group.