Ocean tribute Award of boot Düsseldorf 2023 enters its final round

The ocean tribute Award 2023 enters into its final round. Now, the public is invited to vote for their favoured maritime protection projects. The jury of the Award, which has been presented since 2017 by boot Düsseldorf in cooperation with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the German Maritime Foundation, has shortlisted five projects from all submissions that deserve special support. At www.oceantribute.de all interested parties can now cast their vote. On 23 January 2023 the winning project will be announced and presented on the occasion of boot Düsseldorf’s blue motion night. The Award comes with prize money of EUR 20,000.
Clean Sea Pod’s project aims to instal a proper litter bin on the ocean. The goal is to set a new standard for the recovery and disposal of ghost nets. To this end Clean Sea Pod uses a technology that can be implemented on all sea-going yachts – without increasing their carbon footprint. This is what distinguishes this project from all previous attempts. The project cooperates with different universities and research institutes in Canada and the USA. If Clean Sea Pod wins it will finance current tests also on the world’s biggest ocean, the Pacific. https://www.oceaninnovation.group/
enteron® founder Thomas Logisch had the idea to develop a new, completely organic technology for on-board waste-water treatment and to return the clean water to stagnant and flowing waters. The first prototype was developed, built and tested with students from the Beuth University of Technology in Berlin. It is the smallest certified waste-water treatment plant for house boats, sailing yachts and powerboats, but also for larger caravans or expedition vehicles. Enteron® purifies wastewater directly on board. The technology ensures that only clean, clear water is discharged into the environment and it complies with the waste-water threshold limits certified by IMO/MARPOL and MEPC. If Enteron® wins, it will apply for US Coast-Guard certification. https://tomlogisch.com/enteron/
Innovation Yachts has constructed and manufactured the world’s first completely recyclable and sustainable catamaran from composite material in series production. The IY LBV35 is the first model in a new series of boats propelled by solar energy & hydrogenator. Furthermore, the manufacturer guarantees the buyer to buy back all construction materials (volcanic fibre, FSC-balsa wood & organic epoxy resin) in case of damage or at the end of the boat’s useful life because these are recycled in house. The IY LBV35 is the perfect day charter boat and has an “ocean cleaning system” as a special feature, meaning it can lower its forward trampoline to collect floating garbage while sailing. If Innovation Yachts wins the company wants to invest even more money in the re-use of waste/residual material as new building materials. https://innovation-yachts.com/de/yachten/iy-lbv35/
Nemo PI developed the first open-source underwater weather station that collects various chemical and physical data on ocean pollution and analyses it in the Cloud. This data will be publicly available. Save Nemo has combined this smart hardware and software with moorings to stop wild anchoring in reefs. This effectively counteracts the precarious side effects of mass tourism. If Nemo PI wins the prize money will go 100% to our non-profit charity organization Save.Nemo e.V. https://save-nemo.org/
Fregatta Space is a technology-based start-up that has developed an Earth Observation Platform. It automatically allows detecting air and water pollution anywhere in the world. This is done by applying proprietary machine learning algorithms based on multi-spectral and hyper-spectral images generated by various sources such as satellites, drones, aircraft or cameras. This state-of-the-art technology and satellite capacities as well as machine learning can help to clean and conserve the earth. Fregatta Space already concluded agreements with institutions all over the world. These include the Philippe Cousteau Foundation, INVEMAR and the Ecomar Foundation, to name but a few. If they win they will use the prize money to develop new algorithms to survey and protect the oceans. https://fregataspace.com/
Home port for international watersportsboot Düsseldorf will again drop anchor on the Rhine from 21 to 29 January 2023
boot Düsseldorf has been the home port and driving engine for international water sports for 54 years. From 21 to 29 January 2023 it will present all facets of boating and have all top-notch brands on board. Both yachtsmen and powerboaters will find a comprehensive line-up here ranging from small entry-price boats and dinghies to luxury yachts. Also in focus at boot will be diving, surfing, SUP and angling. Due to the exhibitors’ innovative and technically sophisticated products boot is the international innovations platform of its industry kicking off the new watersports season every year in January. The extensive tourism ranges for holidays and sports on, by and in the water presented at the “Destination Seaside” attracts all people wishing to spend their leisure time by the seaside, riverside and lakes. Attractive stage programmes with interesting interview partners from the sector, the latest trending sports offered and a high-calibre blend of workshops and meetings both for leisure sportspeople and experts make this trade fair unique the world over. This will also make boot Düsseldorf the No.1 destination for both water-sports prone families and international experts again in 2023.