Heysea announces successful delivery of Vista 140ft superyacht

On 21stof July, China’s biggest power catamaran superyacht Vista 140ft travelled across the pearl river towards Dapeng Yacht Club, Shenzhen. Vista 140ft is a complete customization project, featuring the naval architecture and exterior styling of the Heysea in-house team.
“Wind Rider 1” is a 43-meter complete customization catamaran superyacht. Her powerful appearance is a work of the Heysea’s inhouse R&D team. However, strength does not mean an empty hole of delicacy. Her champagne goldsurface is a result of prudent polishing process, painting a smooth gradian of natural light. The twin-hull structure expands the luxurious onboard space, allowing a realization of the owner’s sight of a perfect marine life.
Spectacles onboard do not limit to her exterior appearance. Her interior layout was the work of Horizontal Design. Her spacious living areas are characterized by a simplistic but sleek style of decoration to embrace the concept of luxury leisure. Designers attempted to replenish her space with calm and tranquility in the minimalistic space.
Her delivery fills up the gap in the Chinese catamaran market. In the future, Heysea will continue our path, bringing more high-end luxury yachts into the market and pushing the leisure culture into China.