Feadship launches Ocean Collection range

Feadship has launched its own range of premium branded merchandise. Sourced and designed in-house together with a leading expert in sustainable clothing, the Ocean Collection extends Feadship’s passion for pure custom creation into a signature line of clothing for Feadship fans, the wider superyacht community and connoisseurs of smart fashion. Made to the high-end quality expected of Feadship, the Ocean Collection showcases an exclusive understated style with subtle hints of branding. “Merchandise plays an important role in how we share the Feadship message and we are committed to investing our marketing budget in lifestyle items that are genuinely sustainable and have a high value to users,” explains Feadship’s PR & Communications Manager Francis Vermeer. “The Ocean Collection fits seamlessly within this approach as a fashionable line of yacht wear that complies fully with the Global Organic Textile Standard and the Better Cotton Initiative, a global not-for-profit organisation responsible for the world’s largest cotton sustainability programme.”
In safe hands
Feadship always keeps its production and supply lines as close to home as possible and the decision was taken from the outset to apply this to the Ocean Collection. Vermeer: “Recognising that this would require stepping out of our expertise comfort zone we teamed up with concept designer Tanja Gobitz who conducted an extensive search to find the right suppliers for the clothing and other items. This has allowed us to retain all aspects of production in our own hands, maintain premium standards of quality, sustainability and certification, and be 100% certain no child labour is involved in the manufacturing process.”
“From environmental conditions to organic materials, from labour conditions to welfare standards, control is the key to success,” says Gobitz. “We have close contacts with highly reliable people on the ground who are ensuring that Feadship’s stringent requirements are
met in every respect.”
Quality control
“This extends equally to quality, which is of the essence in every element of the Ocean Collection. Just as every Feadship is as beautifully finished behind the panels and under the ceilings as in the visible areas, the insides of the Ocean Collection garments have exquisite stitching that vies for attention with the smart labels. We are particular about every detail and, if things are not exactly right, we make changes until perfection has been attained. “From trims made partly with recycled plastic from the seas to the buttons of upcycled pearl shells, we have successfully included multiple links to the oceanic theme. And the strong narrative which underpins the range has been enhanced by an element of surprise, with iconic marine creatures hidden away in unusual places on the garments. There really is nothing else like this available on the fashion market today.