Davidoff unveils customized Exclusive Editions 2020
“The Davidoff Exclusive Editions are exceptional cigar creations with customized blends, each as unique as the countries, cities and anniversaries they were made to celebrate. With these personalized editions we are honouring Zino Davidoff’s unique attention to each customer and his individual demands who entered the iconic Geneva store. We are very excited to make available Exclusive Editions to 18 chosen trade partners in 2020 which allow them to offer custom made blends catering to local taste preferences. Presented in beautiful personalised boxes of 10 cigars the Davidoff Master Blenders have created exciting blends which are sure to delight aficionados.” says Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger Davidoff AG.
Excusive Edition Cigars
Made by Hand by the most experienced Davidoff craftsmen using only the finest tobaccos these premium cigars are released in very limited quantities giving a few lucky aficionados the opportunity to enjoy a truly unique cigar experience.
Tailor made and personally chosen by a trusted retailer the Davidoff Exclusive cigars offer a range from medium to full bodied blends depending on the individual edition. The cigars come in three beautiful formats: Belicoso, Piramides and Panetela.
The blends are all characterized by signature Davidoff sophistication and deliver complex taste experiences with tobaccos from Ecuador and the Dominican Republic delivering a wide array of rich flavours and aromas.
Presented in beautiful white boxes of 10 cigars the Exclusive Editions are individually adorned with gold foil designs. The design executions range from store identifiers to iconic geographic landmarks relevant to the partner, its hometown or country. To further individualise the Exclusive Editions, the cigars are presented with a second ring customised to the partner.
Launch & Availability
The highly acclaimed Davidoff Exclusive Editions 2020 will be launched from January* 2020 in the countries mentioned hereafter at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants and Flagship stores and offered only in limited quantities.
* Launch dates may vary depending on country.