Griffin’s further expands its Nicaraguan line with a Toro format
With the extension of its Nicaraguan line, Griffin’s, the renowned and popular cigar brand, appeals to aficionados of Nicaraguan and Cuban cigars who prefer a fuller bodied, and more complex taste profile. The addition of the Toro format responds to cigar lovers’ desire to capture vibrant notes and enjoy a great blend, using Nicaraguan, Dominican and Honduran tobaccos with a typically Nicaraguan bittersweet stimulation. Inspired by the night-time, the new format delivers a pronounced spiciness and intensified notes of bitter chocolate, chili, oak wood and a creamy aftertaste.
“After the huge success of the Griffin’s Nicaragua line, our tobacco masters selected the Toro format to spice up aficionados’ explorations and take them on an exciting flavor journey. Each format in the series will delve into the spicier side of life,” says Charles Awad, Senior Vice President Global Marketing & Innovation at Oettinger Davidoff AG.
Wrapper: Nicaragua, Habano Nicaragua
Binder: Dominican Republic, Piloto Cubano Seco
Filler: Honduras, Olancho Seco
Nicaragua, Ometepe Visus and Estelí Ligero
Dominican Republic, San Vicente Seco and Piloto Mejorado Seco
Taste profile
The Griffin’s Nicaragua Toro combines a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, a Piloto Cubano Seco binder from the Dominican Republic and filler tobaccos from Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The taste experience takes place at the back of the palate and starts off with spicy notes and rich aromas.The draw is perfect, with a sharp combustion and a beautiful white ash. A rum-based cocktail would pair perfectly with this format and its spicy flavours.
This Griffin’s Nicaragua line comes in a newly designed packaging: an elegant black box showcasing the red tongue and the Griffin’s logo in red.
The cigars also bear a black main ring with the Griffin hot foiled in chili red to match perfectly with the darker colour of the wrapper.
The official launch of the new Griffin’s Toro boxes of 25 cigars and packs of 4 cigars is set for July 2016, after which they will be available globally starting in September at selected tobacco retailers. All existing Griffin’s formats, the Short Torpedo, Robusto and Gran Toro, will be available in etuis of 4 cigars.