Sea Ray among luxury excellence at Cannes Collection 2016

In the beautiful Vieux Port frame of Cannes, France, at the sametime of the important event of MIDEM and just after the recently concluded Cinema Festival,SeaRay will display its 400 Sundancer and 510 Sundancer at the Cannes Collection 2016.
The event, at its first edition, is gathering the excellence of the watch jewellery, sport luxury cars, aviation with helicopters and private jets and luxury yachting.
Sea Ray will display two of its models in the water, in addition to an elegant L Class Loungewhere she will host Bergomi Interiors, the famous company specialized in interiors and importer, among others, of Christofle and Lladró.
“We could not miss an event like this one”- saysLuca Brancaleon, Director of International sales Yachts for Sea Ray-“moreover now, after we opened a year ago our Yacht center inMandelieu La Napoule, we feel at home here, and Cannes proves always to be an exceptionallocation to host international yachting”.
“The spirit of Cannes Collection identifies at most Sea Ray philosophy of the newly created Lclass range, meant to redefine luxury and to include services of flexibility and attention tocustomer which are integral part of a luxury concept: design, quality and image together withsubstance” – continues Luca Brancaleon – “it is unavoidable for today’s customer to count onquality and its substance, Sea Ray believes so much in this philosophy to guarantee three yearsall its L class vessels”.
Cannes Collection will take place at Vieux Port di Cannes from 2nd till 5th of June.