Royal Huisman: “The Beast”

When the design and build team first announced this “edgy and innovative” project as “the Beast” during the 2014 Monaco Yacht Show, the yachting world pricked up its ears. Now, nearly one year before delivery, this strikings loop designed by the late Ed Dubois is takinga lion’s share of space at the shipyard.
One of the world’s great yacht designers,Ed Dubois burst onto the offshore racingscene in 1976 when his first design, Borsalino Trois. Accumulating moresilverware in her first racing season thanmost designs could hope for in a lifetime.His next major success, Police Car, wonthe 1979 Admiral’s Cup that includedfirst overall in the Fastnet race. Subsequently she went on to win theSydney-Hobart, Southern Cross Cup,China Sea Race and many more.
The next two decades saw Dubois become one of the most familiar names inoffshore racing success and a go-to studio for innovative design. In parallel, Edwas beginning to receive commissions from owners keen to build larger, highperformance cruising yachts, one of the earliest of which was the 37m Aquel II in1985. Dubois’ winning formula of “form and function, perfectly balanced”,underwritten by highly distinctive house styling and a reputation for performance,saw the orders grow – as did the size of the projects and the head-count of thetalented team Dubois assembled around him.
Further recognition was built on a steady stream of awards, the establishment ofthe Dubois Cup in Porto Cervo and of the Dubois charity for research into childcancer.
The Huisman team’s first collaboration with Ed Dubois was in 1979 when bothyard and designer were dominant names in the offshore racing world. Ed’scourtesy, friendship and enthusiasm during this project were hugely stimulating,providing the basis not only for a fine racing yacht – the 12.7m / 42 foot two-tonner Winsome Gold – but also for valued long term personal and professionalrelationships with him.
More recently Ed Dubois and his teamwere responsible for the naval architectureof the elegant, multiple award-winning57.5m / 189ft ketch Twizzle, launched byRoyal Huisman in 2010. They also createdthe design and naval architecture for thesensational 58m / 190ft sloop Ngoni,currently in build at the Royal Huismanyard, a highly progressive project thatemphatically underlines the extent towhich Ed Dubois remained at the peak ofhis powers, right to the sadly prematureend of a dazzling career.
“Build me a beast. Don’t build me a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This has to be an edgy and innovative weapon; fast and furious,” was the owner’s instruction to Dubois and Royal Huisman. Working to this dramatic brief, Dubois designed a fast, ocean-going cruiser that is both excitingly different and luxuriously comfortable. And for Royal Huisman, their job is to ensure it is also beautifully built. With the aluminium work complete, the dramatically inflected sheer line, plumb bow and sculpted superstructure of this progressive design are now clearly visible with the project remaining on schedule for deliveryin spring 2017.