Philippe Briand naval architect insights of Perini Navi 38m Dahlak

Launched this spring, the 38m Perini NavisloopDahlak is the latest yacht from Philippe Briand’sstudio to make waves.
Sister Ship
P2Built at Perini Navi’s yard in La Spezia, Dahlak’s striking lines mirror those of her sister ship, multi-award winning S/Y P2. Since her launch in 2008, P2 has proved herself as a serious contender onthe superyacht racing scene. Having participated in over 25 regattas, her trophy collection is vastand impressive, with 15 podium positions and most recently a first place at both this year’s LoroPianaSuperyacht Regatta and the St Barths Bucket.
P2 embodies the remarkable and rare balance of luxury cruising and high-performance racing thatPhilippe Briand first introduced nearly 20 years ago through the legendary S/Y Mari-Cha III. Dahlakexhibits the same DNA, but with two further decades of finessing.
Mari-ChaIII’s legacy
Briand explains this trio’s connection: “The first big racing yacht I was asked to design was Mari-Cha III. She was the biggest carbon-hulled yacht to be built at that time and during the buildingprocess the family fell in love with the project and expressed their wish for her to also be a familyyacht. Since then, Mari-Cha III has been the joy of all the owner’s family, for the grandparents, thechildren and the now-adult grandchildren. A yacht that wins the transatlantic race and at the sametime still brings pleasure to the owner after 20 years is about as good as it gets. Dahlak follows asimilar concept: fast when needed, yet always comfortable and welcoming for the guests, she isbuilt to last.”
Philippe Briand’s Performance Pedigree
Regarding Dahlak’s performance, many of the features that made P2 so successful have beencarried through to this newly built yacht. For example, the hull shape and appendages are identicaland, thanks to her plumb bow and smooth slope aft, she exhibits a long, streamlined waterlinelength, which, combined with her moderate displacement, delivers in Dahlak a sporty elegance.
The high-efficiency, deep-draft lifting keel and rudder gives the helmsman plenty of control in tightupwind work, as well as in high-speed, broad reaching conditions. Dahlak’s hybrid carbon fibremast is fitted with full composite standing rigging, which towers 51.5m above the water, and offersa sail plan surface area of over 1,870sqm.
A Family Cruiser
For her role as a family yacht that can be cruised in comfort, Dahlak exhibits several technicalinnovations to provide owners with the ultimate on-board experience in luxury and wellbeing.These include a high volume, modern interior that features detailing of Perini Navi quality andattention to detail, coupled with lightweight materials and cutting edge construction technology. Asa result, the interior boasts a fresh and elegant feel with plenty of light, complemented by carefullyselected furniture that does not overwhelm or crowd the living areas.
New Technology
Dahlak is equipped with the latest generation of fully automated electric captive winches,engineered in-house at Perini Navi. This not only leaves the deck and cockpit unobstructed bysheets and running rigging for enhanced aesthetics, but also improves the safely for guests andcrew. A further technological development is the lithium polymer battery system ‘Silent Night’,which ensures the quiet running of Dahlak, while taking advantage of the latest environmentaladvancements.
The water ballast system has been removed and replaced by an additional eight tonnes in the keelbulb, which helps to preserve the original stability that made P2 such a comfortable and powerfulsailing yacht. The ease of handling the high-aspect-ratio rig has been secured by recessing thegenoa and jib furlers in the deck, as well as the development of the 14m furling boom that sheltersthe full battened mainsail quickly and safely.
For years to come, there is no doubt that Dahlak will provide her owners with a superb platform forworldwide cruising with family and friends as well as exciting and competitive team racing. Sherepresents a true milestone in Briand’s continuing quest to achieve the perfect balance betweencomfortable cruising and sailing performance. She is a technological masterpiece, from whichfuture yachts will be modeled.