Online kick-off of the blue innovation dock by boot Düsseldorf

Under the motto “Marina of the Future”, Hans Roelants, Searay Netherlands, Dean Smith, D Marin, Oliver Glück, Torqeedo, Renata Marević, Marina Punat, and Linos Voskarides, Maritime Policy – Blue Growth, European Commission, will discuss concepts and ideas for a sustainable design of leisure ports.
The bid is organized by boot Düsseldorf and the European Boating Industry (EBI). At the fair, the Sustainability Forum will continue with the participation of manufacturers and representatives of European politics from 21 to 29 January 2023.
Home port for international water sports boot Düsseldorf will once again anchor on the Rhine from 21 to 29 January 2023.
Boot Düsseldorf has been the home port and motor for international water sports for 53 years. It offers boating in all its facets from 21st to 29th January 2023 and has the top brands on board. Both sailors and motor boaters will find a comprehensive range of boats here, from entry-level boats and dinghies to luxury yachts. Diving, surfing, paddling and fishing are also in the spotlight at boot. With the innovative and technically sophisticated products of the exhibitors, boot is the international innovation platform for its sector and, apart from the pandemic-related break, the starting signal for the new water sports season every year in January. With its comprehensive range of tourism products in the destination seaside for holidays and sports on, by and in the water, it attracts all people who want to spend their leisure time by the sea, rivers and lakes. Attractive stage programs with interesting interview partners from the industry, the latest trend sports offers and a top-class mix of workshops and meetings for both leisure sports enthusiasts and experts make the fair unique worldwide. boot Düsseldorf is once again in 2023 the first address for both the water sports enthusiast family and international experts.