Oettinger Davidoff brings its Ladies Master class to Barcelona
Barcelona has now been included in the tour conducted by Oettinger Davidoff AG, the world’s leading manufacturer of premium cigars, bringing its Ladies Master classes to various cities all over the world.
This international tour is aimed at modern women who want to discover the liturgy involved in the exclusive world of cigars, from the seed of the plant to enjoying a cigar on a lovely terrace or in a select smokers’ club. Over 40 women who appreciate the art of enjoying unique experiences, and eager to learn more about the dos and don’ts of cigar enjoyment, met in the beautiful gardens of Can Travi, set in an authentic 17th-century Catalonian farmhouse in Barcelona.
Paloma Szathmáry, Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications for Oettinger Davidoff AG, remarked that “the Davidoff Ladies’ Masterclass is aimed at modern women who wish to discover the world of cigars, eager to learn more about the art of creating a premium cigar and all the dos and don’ts of cigar enjoyment. We see from the growing interest that the enjoyment of cigars is no longer exlusively for men.”
At the Ladies Masterclass the basic rules for handling cigars were presented, from choosing a cigar, through cutting and lighting it, to enjoying it. The programme included a short introduction to the entire process, which ranges from the seeding, harvesting and blending of the tobacco to the handcrafting of the cigars in the Dominican Republic. The participants were greatly intrigued by the wealth of knowledge displayed. They were able to different blends and formats available in Davidoff’s wide range of cigars – from the mild Davidoff No. 2 and ‘2000’ to the more complex and intense Winston Churchill, Escurio and Nicaragua lines. As a tasteful compliment, the participants enjoyed a pairing session with selected champagnes, white and red wines, rums, specially prepared cocktails, chocolate and coffee.
Melanie Büscher, Manager of Media Relations at Oettinger Davidoff AG, who guided the Ladies through their taste experience added: “Our intention is to create a unique moment of leisure that lets women calmly exchange their impressions with friends and colleagues. The goal is to be able to enjoy this occasion and, through it, the luxury of hearing the latest news from the world of cigars and of sharing this valuable time with other women.”