Davidoff to launch striking campaign for its Winston Churchill lines of cigars
The Davidoff Winston Churchill brand has seen unprecedented success in global markets. Starting with the introduction of «The Original Collection» and the platform «cigars of character» the brand has been building constant traction. Only to be further accelerated with the introduction of «The Late Hour» line, with the industry’s first, unique Scotch cask aged blend winning not only plenty of new consumers but also a silver Design Effectiveness Award from the renowned Design Business Association in the United Kingdom in 2019.
“Winston Churchill’s days never stopped. From morning to the early hours of the next morning, the power of the great man never paused. Decisions to be made, alliances to be forged, wise words to be written. And all usually with a cigar in hand.” says Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff AG. “The many stories of this incredible leader, artist and writer are such an inspiration and we feel humbled and excited to bringing to life these stories to the world of premium cigars with this campaign. Cigars were Sir Winston’s accompaniment to concentrate or converse, and he was a master of both.”
Further accentuating the campaign idea «A MAN AND A CIGAR FOR ALL TIMES», the Davidoff Winston Churchill range offers a cigar, which is perfect for any moment, day or night. Milder creamier daytime blends within «The Original Collection» and more robust, thought provoking creations for when the lights go down within «The Late Hour» line of cigars. The campaign is to focus on telling the many stories that occurred during the great man’s life at day and night always with a cigar in hand.
Limited Edition Petit Panetela «The Late Hour»
The Davidoff Master Blenders have mastered the challenge of blending a small format cigar offering complexity and signature Davidoff balance as multi-faceted as the great aficionado’s character. A medium filler cigar with tobaccos from Ecuador, Sumatra, Dominican Republic and the unique Condega tobacco from Nicaragua, aged in Scotch casks standing for more robust flavours compared to its counterpart within «The Original Collection».
Wrapped in a beautiful shiny dark brown Habano seed wrapper grown in Ecuador this Petit Panetela is crafted in a 38 x 4 format and is suitable for shorter moments of contemplation when the sun goes down. Notes of dark coffee and leather please the aficionado’s palate when lighting the cigar while notes of pepper and wood develop. Hints of spice come forward towards the last third of the cigar all the while never lacking the signature Davidoff sophistication in taste and complexity. A delightful taste experience inspired by Winston Churchill’s rich character and moments in life when time was of the essence.
Limited to 10.000 units, the Winston Churchill «The Late Hour» Petit Panetela is packaged in practical and characteristic dark brown metal tins of five cigars each adorned with the iconic silhouette of the great leader.
Limited Edition «The Late Hour» crystal spirits glasses
Along with the limited edition cigars, Davidoff is revealing a set of spirit glasses in striking black design available only in very limited quantities. Entirely hand crafted by European glassware specialists with 120 years of history.
Complementing the existing range of Davidoff Winston Churchill spirits glasses with their characteristic two notches to rest a cigar, this set of two comes in lead-free crystal, with finely cut facets on the rim of the glass to highlight the spirit chosen to pour. A Winston Churchill silhouette discretely adorns the bottom of the glass.
Launch & Availability
From January 2020*, the Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition cigars** and spirit glasses will be available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants, premium cigar retailers and Flagship Stores.
* Launch dates may vary depending on country.
* The Limited Edition Petit Panetela «The Late Hour» cigars will not be available in the United States.