Davidoff small batch release
Davidoff Cigars is excited to present for the very first time a global release of Small Batch cigars. Using only the most exquisite and rare tobacco vintages available in its tobacco archives, the Davidoff master blenders have created twelve exceptional blends in a series of small batches. Going above and beyond, exceptional blends have been created for dedicated regions of the world to delight select aficionados with a truly unique cigar experience. The roller’s signature on each of the Small Batch bundles further confirms the exclusivity of these cigars.
Twelve unique blends made of very exquisite tobaccos
Introducing its one of a kind Small Batch releases, Davidoff adds an additional touch to its distinct assortment of premium cigars. The master blenders have created a range from medium to full-bodied multi-origin blends made of very exquisite and rare tobaccos from Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru and the Dominican Republic. The cigars are crafted in the popular Toro, Robusto, Belicoso and Corona Extra formats. Depending on tobacco stocks and blend, the global availability per Small Batch is as limited as 1300 cigars.
The Small Batch cigars are available as of September 2019 at select Davidoff appointed merchants in Germany, UK, Switzerland, the US and Asia. Now may be the time for aficionados to be on good terms with their local Davidoff appointed merchant, as they know a fine cigar when they see one. And they definitely know who to invite to taste it.