Davidoff Cigars extends its collaboration with talented artists and artisans around the world with the spectacular Davidoff Masterpiece Humidor Royal Relase
Inspired by the two worlds of Davidoff and dance, the Royal Release humidor is created for the Masterpiece collection. This new Masterpiece follows in the wake of the successful Terroirs humidor, created for Davidoff by the French artist, Rose Saneuil known for her own marquetry technique.
“We are delighted to partner with the exceptional French feather artist, Émilie Moutard-Martin, to design this unique Masterpiece humidor Royal Release,” says Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer of Oettinger Davidoff AG. Davidoff’s world was a place which Émilie was keen to immerse herself in. Émilie Moutard-Martin saw the parallels with using the properties of a natural, organic material to create a work of art and the links between cigar making and her unique feather-work.She fittingly associated the three stages of the cigar tasting experience with the time and rhythm known in dance. The aromas developing in the three distinct stages of cigar-tasting resonating with the three-four time of the waltz. So, she asked dancers to perform a waltz in her studio with paint on their feet and this is how the first designs evolved. “Observing Émilie performing her craft is watching a true artist. The finesse, details and creativity in her unique process of working with feathers made this outstanding Davidoff Masterpiece humidor indeed a work of art,” Edward Simon explains further.
The Royal Relase humidor – How the dance took flight
Out of the dancer’s canvas, an imaginary maritime map came into focus, the curling figures revealing islands and the interweaving shapes creating a dreamlike archipelago. An archipelago symbolic of Davidoff’s constant quest to widen the horizons of the aficionado and bring new tobaccos and new levels of craftsmanship and refinement to its cigars. Émilie selected peacock feathers for their unique, majestic iridescence and colours. She treated them with a technique which she developed herself, the feathers taking on a plant-like, organic quality. The peacock feathers are streaked with hues of blue, recalling smoky shades, green from the tobacco plantations and burnt sienna, echoing both the soil that fed the tobacco plant and the dried leaves. Finally, and fittingly for a Royal Release, Émilie delicately added gold to be a thread of movement as woven by wreaths of smoke.
The Royal Relase humidor – A humidor at home in a gallery
Through the simple natural wonder of the feather, she brings the two worlds of Davidoff and dance together and their interplay gives rise to a completely original work, a flight of the imagination to the beat of the waltz. The rhythm of the cigar, the three steps of the tasting journey and the liberation of the aromas play out on the linen canvas. The circular patterns evoke both the spiralling wisps of smoke and the arabesque of the waltz. The result is a captivating tableau of time and movement. The Wings of Dance.
This Masterpiece stands proof once more how Davidoff’s sense of excellence and craftsmanship is intimately connected to the art of cigar making, and ultimately the enjoyment and time beautifully filled one feels with Davidoff cigars. This remarkable humidor ensures exceptional cigars maturing in the best possible conditions. The humidor fits up to 250 cigars.
Launch and availability
The five Masterpiece humidors Royal Release will be available at Davidoff Flagship Stores and selected Appointed Merchants in December 2019*. *Launch date may vary depending on country.