The beautiful thing about Convergence, and what makes it a must-go event, is its ability to bring together the best expertise and experience in the yachting world, this time in an online format, so that complex issues can be discussed and clarified in a matter of hours. The subject of the 2021 session, held online on Wednesday November 10, was managing the activities and procedures required after the occurrence of an extraordinary event.
Attending the virtual round table were 108 Captains and Chief Engineers of yachts over 60 feet and ships built by Ferretti Group brands, connected online from all over the world, who engaged with company experts in an interesting and stimulating a debate on a range of issues.
According to tradition, the webinar was introduced by Ferretti Group CEO Alberto Galassi and moderated by Stefano de Vivo (CCO). The first speaker was Walter Floris from Lloyd’s, who introduced the subject by presenting statistics on the causes of accidents, with an analysis of the period from 2014 to 2019. The other speakers included Gian Paolo Natale Mariani of RINA, who presented the first real-life case study of a fire incident, after which the discussion revolved around the complex post-event scenario that a captain is required to manage in such cases. It revealed the importance of advance knowledge about both the management aspects defined by the flag administration of the yacht being captained and those of port state jurisdictions and registries. Bruno Padula of shipping agency Luise Associated explained the standard procedure for reporting an extraordinary event in Italy. Lawyer Tom Walters and Senior Master Mariner Mark Thompson from the Crisis Management Team at HFW in London set out their experience assisting owners in the management of extraordinary events, with a special focus on safety of life, the potential impact of the event on the environment, and loss mitigation. Finally, Norberto Croci of RINA presented a case study of a fire that broke out unexpectedly on a boat in storage as a result of lightening.
The meeting was extremely interactive, with captains able to express their doubts and questions, which were answered by the professionals on the panel. Another focus of discussion was insurance policies. Paul Fuller, Claim Manager at Howden Sturge Insurance Broker, explained the differences between the main types of insurance policy and what action insurance companies take in the event of an accident in which the yacht’s certificate is suspended or withdrawn, or in the case of damages deriving from an extraordinary natural event.