Barcelona Boat Show an ocean of experiences.

Surfing the waters in Barcelona harbour or trying out the latest aquatic gadgets, trips in canoes, dinghies or sailboats to experience the thrill of sailing, scuba-diving for beginners, recreational fishing, paddle boarding sessions, a parade of boats out to sea, regattas, concerts, gastronomic tasting sessions, prize draws, workshops, conferences, product launches… apart from showcasing the biggest and most varied commercial offering of sporting and recreational sailing in Spain, the next edition of the Barcelona International Boat Show will give visitors the chance to dive into an ocean of new experiences. Held from 15 to 19 October in the Port Vell.
‘The show aims to convey our passion for the sea and nautical pursuits, offering dozens of activities that will generate unique experiences for our visitors,’ explains the show’s director, Jordi Freixas. ‘It’s going to be a very interactive event with a programme of exciting, one-off activities which will thrill every possible audience, from beginners through to experienced sailors, with something for every age group.’ In this respect, one of the standout new features this year will be the installation of a wave generator for surfing in the Port Vell harbour.
Sailboats and motorboats will once again be the stars of the event, which is held on the Fusta and España wharves of the Port Vell. As well as the floating exhibition area, visitors will find all kinds of nautical products and services on land, ranging from electronics and engines to paints, sails, trailers, fishing gear, boat charters and marinas, as well as an extensive range of small boats and dinghies.
‘We’re currently fully immersed in promoting the show, and the excellent response from exhibitors points to a recovery in the sector which will materialize in our biggest-ever offering at this year’s event,’ says Freixas. ‘For exhibitors, the show represents their best opportunity to interact with end users, find out about their interests and concerns and thus improve their products and services and, in short, increase their sales.’