Basel, May 2016. Inspired by the cosmopolitan lifestyle of cigar legend Avo Uvezian, AVO Cigars has ventured beyond its Dominican roots, capturing exotic notes from vibrant cultures around the world to create an exciting collection of blends called Syncro.
On the island of Ometepe, in the rich soil that lies beneath one of Nicaragua’s most active volcanoes, a uniquely sweet and spicy tobacco is grown. Known for its wildcharacter and peppery notes, AVO Cigars carefully blends this Nicaraguan tobacco withonly the finest Dominican leaves, famous for their earthy flavours and soft, creamynotes. This fusion delivers a perfectly smooth and balanced box-pressed cigar withunexpected depth and complexity ― an exceptional cigar to be enjoyed and shared.
“Experience the thrill of surprising notes from diverse cultures! AVO Syncro brings new and exciting blends to delight today’s aficionados. The fusion of tobaccos from various origins allows the creation of new and surprising taste experiences that will, in the AVO way, generate memorable sharing moments,” says Charles Awad, Senior Vice President Global Marketing & Innovation at Oettinger Davidoff AG.
AVO Syncro Nicaragua starts stimulating the back area of the palate with complex spicy and peppery flavours evoking a wild character at the beginning due to the pronounced Nicaraguan and Peruvian filler tobacco.
In the second third the cigar gets smoother, from being peppery and spicy to creamy with complex wooden, sweet and floral flavours followed by rich aromas. There is a cheerful harmony between the Nicaraguan and the Dominican Mejorado tobaccos thatare further enhanced by the creaminess of the Ecuadorian-grown wrapper. This combination creates an unexpected, yet accomplished harmony and taste, stimulating the Nicaraguan and Dominican taste experiences at the same time. A multilayered, complex and voluminous cigar that stays enjoyable and interesting from the first moment of enjoyment until the last.
“I am delighted to share with you and aficionados around the globe this exciting new line of AVO Cigars. AVO Cigars are ready to give the performance of a lifetime. It’s about surprising and enjoyable experiences, the blending of various cultures – experiences perfectly in sync with the moments worth sharing,” says AvoUvezian.
Wrapper: A beautiful dark and oily Connecticut Ecuador wrapper
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Nicaraguan tobacco from Ometepe
Dominican tobaccos (Piloto, San Vicente Mejorado and hybrid
Olor/Piloto) Peruvian tobaccos from Olancho
Box-pressed Short Robusto 52 RG x 4″
Box-pressed Robusto 50 RG x 5″
Box-pressed Toro 54 RG x 6″
Box-pressed Special Toro 60 RG x 6″
The cigar box will be available:
At selected retail locations in Switzerland from May, in Europe from July 2016. The cigar packs will be available:
At selected retail locations in Switzerland from July 2016, in Europe from September 2016.