The Davidoff Flagship Mother Store
The Davidoff Flagship Mother Store in Geneva has Reopened with a New Look
Cigar lovers are now able to indulge in a completely unique and pleasurable experience in the heart of Geneva: The original Davidoff Flagship Store on Rue de Rive 2 has been revamped in accordance with the new globally standardized design concept “Davidoff of Geneva – since 1911”.
“We are proud to celebrate the reopening of our mother store here in Geneva in this particular year, which marks the 140th anniversary of Oettinger Davidoff AG. What makes the opening all the more special is, that this shop, founded in 1911, is the true mother place of the ‘Davidoff of Geneva’ Experience which significantly shaped our company. Now is also the perfect time to honor Dr. Ernst Schneider and Zino Davidoff. In 1970, Dr. Ernst Schneider took over Zino Davidoff’s shop, and the transaction between these two visionaries founded the starting point for our global brand Davidoff,“ said Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard, CEO and member of the Board of Oettinger Davidoff AG. “A brand that connects people all around the world. A brand that fills the unforgettable moments in life with the joy and pleasure of elegance and beauty. A brand that embraces our philosophy of ‘Time Beautifully Filled’.”
“The challenge in redesigning this unique cigar shop was to preserve its history but to continue our mission to delight and surprise our consumers worldwide by delivering unique brands and unrivalled retail experiences,” explains Thomas Mathys, Store Manager of the Geneva Davidoff Flagship Store.
The “Mother Store” boasts around 100 m2, which includes a 30 m2 walk-in humidor and a retail and accessories section covering some 70 m2. The humidor has been uniquely designed with a ceiling covered in real tobacco leaves, emulating a cigar production environment in the Dominican Republic.
The store’s exclusive interior design combines lush woods and natural materials in earthy tones that are reminiscent of the color of the cigars. Accentuated with shades of copper and adorned with a ”Light Forest“ chandelier (from Studio Ontwerpduo) at the entrance that recalls the tropical flowers of the Dominican Republic, this historical Flagship Store has been transformed into a retail space that is at once elegant, contemporary, and warm.
The new look and feel retells the Davidoff legacy and continues the tradition of creating an inspiring place where aficionados can find exceptionally crafted cigars and limited editions, including the Masterpiece Humidor Collection “Cave de Paille”, created by renowned French artist Lison de Caunes. It is also the first store in the world to display a holographic box – the first film will feature the Winston Churchill campaign.